"I am"
A photography project about exploring beyond the physical appearance in pursuit of capturing the "inner face" of the women in front of the camera.
No make-up or special hair styling, no retouching. Simply come and be, as you are.
An Invitation
to women of all ages and stages of life to reflect on WHO they are, WHAT they are or WHY they are by experimenting with letting go of others' definitions of female beauty and allowing themselves to feel authentic, strong, vulnerable, beautiful and empowered.
I am
I am ME
Let's start a conversation
around confidence, self-love and self-care; about the difficulty of being authentic and how to break away from trendy stereotypes, commercial and social standards of beauty and self-worth.
I want to hear your thoughts and stories of courage and self-empowerment.
Pricing: The photo session is complimentary and requires the signing of a model release. Every woman will be presented with 20 images and gifted two 4x6 images of her choice with the option to purchase more.
Details: These photo sessions are an hour long and include a short interview along with 1-2 outfit changes. Since the images are going to be converted into black and whites, please wear monochromatic colors (black, white, muted palette in general) with no patterns and signs; clothes you feel comfortable and confident in. Further details will be emailed to you after booking your session.
Location: Sessions are held at our studio in downtown Cary, NC.
“If photographers are responsible for creating or reflecting an image of women in society, then, I must say, there is only one way for the future, and this is to define women as strong and independent. This should be the responsibility of photographers today, to free women, and finally everyone, from the terror of youth and perfection...There is no beauty without truth. All this fake, making up of a person into something which is not the person, that can’t be beautiful...Here is a definition of beauty I can relate very much to: ‘you are beautiful when you have the courage to be yourself.’”
click on the thumbnails for the full size image
Barbara- 59 " I AM kind, energetic, smart, strong, a good friend.
The experience was great! The questions were very thought provoking and I still find myself thinking of them. I love that the pictures turned out so good and you were very fun to work with. I hope to stay in touch and follow the project as it develops. I also want to tell you how much I appreciate your efforts to help the female self esteem!"
Dawn-48 " I AM creative, loving, genuine, passionate, nurturing.
I loved my experience. Even though I was nervous, I really believe in the project and wanted to give being photographed a try. Inside I feel confident and fierce, but wasn't always, and I want to be a great example for both my daughter and the girls I teach.
The results surprised me the most. I feel like you captured my shyness, my fierceness, my sensitivity, and my humor. I learned so much about myself and what I can do to inspire the next generation. I realized I can be comfortable in my own skin no matter what age does. "
Carmella- 24 " I am beautiful, smart, outgoing, lively, funny "
Wendy-61 " I am smart, loving, caring, strong, beautiful"
Tarrah- 35 " I am caring, creative, strong-willed, optimistic, goofy sometimes"
Roslyn- 47 " I am powerful, intelligent, resilient, kind, beautiful.
Participating in the project was truly inspiring and an eye opening experience, like seeing yourself for the first time. What surprised me the most is how real the photos were. I hope that my courage to be photographed in such a raw and unadulterated manner inspires other women to do the same and encourages the world to participate less in body shaming. "
Melissa -60 " I am artistic, straightforward, critical, giving, sensitive. I am learning to be joyful and confident in the moment. I am learning to be loving and less judgmental. I am learning to accept the things that I cannot change and to forgive myself and others.
There is beauty within all of us. Dance and express joy; laugh and be silly. Surround yourself with good friends and express your love. Graciously accept a compliment. I admire Teodora's artistry and her vision for empowering women. She has helped me express who I am in this phase of my life.
I so enjoyed this experience. If anything, I was surprised how much time it took me to be grounded and relaxed but Teodora stuck by me though! I think the portraits are beautiful and they are me..."
Sisters' session.
Shawnda - 45 "I am goal-oriented, artistic, compassionate, loving, youthful."
Trisha - 42 " I am empathetic, introspective, risk-taker, open-minded, motivated."
Suzanne - 57 " I am positive, creative, often disorganized, having a good sense of humor, loving person.
This was an absolutely empowering and freeing experience for me. A lot of people I told about this project couldn't even imagine getting in front of the camera without make up...I would like to say that it felt good, it felt liberating. I am tired of trying to look "young." Being me and be the center of attention was surprising to me because as a mom I am behind the camera most of the time. Also, the results surprised me. I really like how the pictures turned out. "